A few new images from Transformers: The Last Knight to enjoy. The first comes from Tyrese Gibson who
posted images (left) of battle-damaged Bumblebee. In addition the tfmovie snapchat continues to post stuff daily but yesterday was the first time something popped up that could be considered newsworthy as it posted
an image (below) of Wheelie (alt mode RC truck) who was last seen with Brains crashing a Decepticon ship in Transformers: Dark of the Moon.
While filming in Arizona, prep continues in Detroit. Thanks to J. Barton we have pics from 151 West Fort Street of what looks like set prep. The Haddad truck was used for previous Transformers films in Chicago and the E7 on the cones tends to mark a Transformers set. Sadly the set is in the interior of the building (so private property) so no way to tell what it is for.
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